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Undergraduate Organization Advisor Award

$500 Organization Grant


The Engineering Organization Advisor Award was established in 2013 by the Student Engineers’ Council executive board. The SEC has seen many times over how much of an impact a strong advisor can have on a program. The executive board saw the creation of this award as a way to honor and showcase an advisor that has made outstanding commitments to a design team within the College.  

Previous Winners

Criteria for Eligibility

The following are the requirements of the faculty who is being nominated for the Undegraduate Organization Advisor Award:

  1. Are a faculty member within the College of Engineering
  2. Registered as an advisor for a recognized design team or engineering organization within the College of Engineering
  3. Have demonstrated exceptional leadership, dedication, and success in serving the student organization or design team over the course of the year
  4. Have not received this award in the previous three years
  5. Have not received another SEC advisor award in the same academic year

Nomination and Selection Process

  1. Nomination of candidate. All nominations must be submitted through the online form. The applicant will receive a confirmation email once the entire nomination is received and complete from the SEC Awards and Scholarships Chair.
  2. Nominations will be reviewed by the SEC Awards and Scholarships Chair. Finalists will be chosen and presented to the General Assembly for voting.
  3. GAM Presenation & Voting: The top nominees for each faculty award will be presented to their nominators in the General Assembly. The General Assembly will vote on the final award receiptent.
  4. Notification & Awarding Presentation: The final award receipient will be notified of their award. The final award receipent will be presented with their award at the SEC's Awards Banquet.

The deadline for nominations of the 2024-2025 academic year is January 31st, 2025, at 11:59 PM. If you have any questions concerning the nomination process, please contact the SEC Awards and Scholarships Chair.