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How to Use the "Chat With Exhibitor" Feature

As a sponsor for Engineering Expo, your company can engage with students through the chat feature on your Virtual Booth profile, allowing for early and effective communication with potential candidates.

Students can reach out to your company before, during, and after Expo. All messages from students are visible to every company representative with access to your profile, enabling collaborative responses.

You’ll receive notifications for new messages in your message center, located in the website in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. A pending message will be indicated by a red dot on the message icon.

When students message your company, you can view their profiles, including their grade level, major, and resume. If you have access to the resume book as part of your purchased Expo package, you can browse student profiles and also initiate conversations with students before they reach out to you.

Using the "Chat With Exhibitor" feature helps you build relationships with potential candidates early, identify and connect with top talent, and ensure all company representatives are informed and responsive. Maximize your outreach efforts at Engineering Expo with this powerful tool.