Major Mixer

The Freshman Leadership Board of the Student Engineers Council is proud to announce Major Mixer! Major Mixer is an event for all first year students in the College of Engineering that are still trying to decide what they want to major in at Virginia Tech!
The event will consist of booths for each department in the College of Engineering, a range of different clubs and design teams that cover all disciplines, and a special guest partner! The event will be hosted at the Squires Commonwealth Ballroom B, which is located on the second floor of the Squires Student Center (290 College Ave, Blacksburg, VA). The event is from 6:00 - 8:30 PM.
All College of Engineering Freshman students are invited to join in this exciting event to get more involved in the College of Engineering and learn more about all of the exciting career paths eningeering has to offer! If you are a first year student interested in attending, please fill out this form to RSVP.
If you are part of an organization, design team, or other club that is interested in reserving a table, please fill out this form to express your interest. Tables are reserved on a first-come first-serve basis, and emails will be sent out to organization wether or not they got a table as we get closer to the event.